Journal Articles: (# equal contributions, *corresponding author)
Zhen Tong*, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Glass-like Transport Dominates Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Modular Crystalline Bi4O4SeCl2, Nano Lett., 23, 9468-9473, 2023. (link) [News, News]
Zhen Tong*, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Intrinsically Low Thermal Conductivity in the Most Lithium-Rich Binary Stannide Crystalline Li5Sn, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 8139-8144, 2023. (link) [News]
Yatian Zhang, Thomas Frauenheim*, Traian Dumitrica*, and Zhen Tong*, Theoretical Insights into Thermal Conductivity Variations in Various Phases of the Cu2Te Multiphase Transition Material, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 6, 9657-9662, 2023. (link)
Zhen Tong*, Yatian Zhang, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Liujiang Zhou, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Predicting the lattice thermal conductivity in nitride perovskite LaWN3 from ab initio lattice dynamics, Adv. Sci., 10, 2205934, 2023. (link) [News]
Zhen Tong*, Long Li*, Andrei Dernov, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Multitemperature Modeling of Thermal Transport across Au-GaN Interface from Ab Initio Calculations, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 4, 4553-4559, 2022 (link)
Yatian Zhang, Zhen Tong*, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Four-Phonon and Electron-Phonon Scattering Effects on Thermal Properties in Two-Dimensional 2H-TaS2, Nanoscale, 14, 13053, 2022 (link)
Zhen Tong*, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Liujiang Zhou, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Anisotropic phononic and electronic thermal transport in BeN4, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 13, 4501-4505, 2022. (link)
Long Li, Feng He*, Xu Zhao, Zhen Tong, and Liang Guo*, Effect of diffusion on acoustic deformation potential characterization through coherent acoustic phonon dynamics, Phys. Rev. B, 106, L060304, 2022. (link)
Andrei Dernov, Zhen Tong, Ravi Kumar, Pulkit Agarwal, Thomas Frauenheim, and Traian Dumitrica*, Density Functional-Based Tight-Binding Simulations of Pristine and Aluminum-Modified Silica, Adv. Theory Simul., 2200284, 2022. (link)
Shouhang Li*, Zhen Tong, Cheng Shao, Hua Bao, Thomas Frauenheim, and Xiangjun Liu*, Anomalously Isotropic Electron Transport and Weak Electron-phonon Interactions in Hexagonal, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 13, 4289-4296, 2022. (link)
Zhen Tong*, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Ultrahigh Electron Thermal Conductivity in T-graphene, Biphenylene, and Net-graphene, Adv. Energy Mater., 12, 2200657, 2022. (link, selected as Cover) [News]
Zhen Tong, Joseph Peoples, Xiangyu Li, Xiaolong Yang, Hua Bao*, and Xiulin Ruan*, Electronic and phononic origins of BaSO4 as an ultra-efficient radiative cooling paint pigment, Mater. Today Phys., 24, 100658, 2022. (link) [News]
Zhen Tong*, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Hua Bao, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Significant increase of electron thermal conductivity in Dirac semimetal Beryllonitrene by doping beyond van Hove singularity, Adv. Funct. Mater., 32, 2111556, 2022. (link) [News, selected as a Highly Cited Paper]
Zhen Tong, Alessandro Pecchia, ChiYung Yam, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Phononic thermal transport along graphene grain boundaries: A hidden vulnerability, Adv. Sci., 8, 2101624, 2021. (link)
Zhen Tong, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, Ultralow thermal conductivity of two-dimensional MoO3, Nano Letters, 21, 4351–4356, 2021. (link)
Zhen Tong, Traian Dumitrica*, and Thomas Frauenheim*, First-principles prediction of infrared phonon and dielectric function in biaxial hyperbolic van der Waals crystal α-MoO3, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 19627, 2021. (link)
Xiao Guo, Zeyu Peng, Pengbo Ding, Long Li, Xinyi Chen, Haoyun Wei, Zhen Tong, and Liang Guo*, Nonlinear optical properties of 6H-SiC and 4H-SiC in an extensive spectral range, Opt. Mater. Express, 11, 1080-1092, 2021. (link)
Shouhang Li, Zhen Tong, Xinyu Zhang, and Hua Bao*, Thermal conductivity and Lorenz ratio of metals at intermediate temperatures with mode-level first-principles analysis, Phys. Rev. B, 102, 174306, 2020. (link)
Shouhang Li, Ao Wang, Yue Hu, Xiaokun Gu, Zhen Tong, and Hua Bao*, Anomalous thermal transport in metallic transition-metal nitrides originated from strong electron-phonon interactions, Mater. Today Phys., 15, 100256, 2020. (link)
Evan Witkoske, Zhen Tong, Yining Feng, Xiulin Ruan, Mark Lundstrom, and Na Lu*, The use of strain and grain boundaries to tailor phonon transport properties: A first principles study of 2H-phase CuAlO2 (Part II), J. Appl. Phys., 127, 115108, 2020. (link)
Zhen Tong, Xiaolong Yang, Tianli Feng, Hua Bao*, and Xiulin Ruan*, First-principles predictions of temperature-dependent infrared dielectric function of polar materials by including four-phonon scattering and phonon frequency shift, Phys. Rev. B, 101, 125416, 2020. (link)
Zhen Tong, Shouhang Li, Xiulin Ruan, and Hua Bao*, Comprehensive first-principles analysis of phonon thermal conductivity and electron-phonon coupling in different metals, Phys. Rev. B, 100, 144306, 2019. (link)
Si Wu, Tingxian Li*, Zhen Tong, Jingwei Chao, Tianyao Zhai, Jiaxing Xu, Taisen Yan, Minqiang Wu, Zhenyuan Xu, Hua Bao, Tao Deng* and Ruzhu Wang*, High-performance thermally conductive phase change composites by large-size oriented graphite sheet for scalable thermal energy harvesting, Adv. Mater., 1905099, 2019. (link)
Shouhang Li, Zhen Tong, and Hua Bao*, Resolving different scattering effects on the thermal and electrical transport in doped SnSe, J. Appl. Phys., 126, 025111, 2019. (link)
Peng Tao*, Chao Chang, Zhen Tong, Hua Bao, Chengyi Song, Jianbo Wu, Wen Shang, and Tao Deng*, Magnetically-accelerated large-capacity solar-thermal energy storage within high-temperature phase-change materials, Energy Environ. Sci., 12, 1613-1621, 2019. (link)
Xiaoyuan Ying, Zhen Tong, Wei Yu and Hua Bao*, Analysis of volumetric solar collectors based on inserted absorber plates, J. Eng. Thermophys., 39(12), 2795-2798, 2018. (Chinese, link)
Zhen Tong, Linhua Liu, Liangsheng Li*, and Hua Bao*, Temperature-dependent infrared optical properties of 3C-, 4H- and 6H-SiC, Phys. B: Condensed Matter, 537, 194-201, 2018. (link)
Zhen Tong and Hua Bao*, Decompose the electron and phonon thermal transport of intermetallic compounds NiAl and Ni3Al by first-principles calculations, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 117, 972-977, 2018. (link)
Zhongyong Wang#, Zhen Tong# (Co-first Author), Qinxian Ye#, Hang Hu, Xiao Nie, Chen Yan, Wen Shang, Chengyi Song, Jianbo Wu, Jun Wang, Hua Bao*, Peng Tao*, and Tao Deng*, Dynamic tuning of optical absorbers for accelerated solar-thermal energy storage, Nature Communications, 8, 1478, 2017. (link)
Zhen Tong, Meng Liu, and Hua Bao*, A numerical investigation on the heat conduction in high filler loading particulate composites, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 100, 355-361, 2016. (link)
Zhen Tong, Meng Liu and Hua Bao*, Unit cell finite element analysis on high filler loading composites, J. Eng. Thermophys., 37(3), 633-636, 2016. (Chinese, link)
Jingchao Zhang, Yang Hong, Zhen Tong, Zhihuai Xiao*, Hua Bao, and Yanan Yue*, Molecular Dynamics Study of Interfacial Thermal Transport between Silicene and Substrate, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 23704, 2015. (link)
Conference Papers:
Zhen Tong, Shouhang Li and Hua Bao, A comprehensive first-principles analysis of phonon thermal conductivity and electron-phonon coupling in different metals, ASME Technical presentation IMECE2019-12753, Proceedings of the 2019 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 11-14, 2019, Salt Lake City, USA.
Shouhang Li, Zhen Tong and Hua Bao, Effects of electron-phonon interactions on lattice thermal conductivity of doped SnSe, Technical paper IHTC16-22971, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 2018, Beijing, China.
Zhen Tong and Hua Bao, Electron-phonon coupling contribution to thermal transport in Ni3Al from first principles, ASME Technical presentation IMECE2017-70673, Proceedings of the 2017 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 03-11, 2017, Tampa, Florida, USA
Zhen Tong, Meng Liu and Hua Bao, Unit cell finite element analysis on high filler loading composites, Technical presentation and paper 2016-6667, Proceedings of Engineering Thermophysics Heat & Mass Transfer Conference, Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 2016, Dalian, China. (Chinese conference)